Materi yang lain, seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Sejarah, dan lain-lain, kami sajikan sebagai tambahan/suplemen buat Anda yang akan mencalonkan diri sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS).
1. The Eiffel Tower ___________ Paris, France.
A. landmarks
B. is landmarked in
C. is a landmark in
D. is in a landmark
Answer: C
2. Young deer _________.
A. are called fawns B. be fawns
C. is fawns
D. are fawns called
Answer: A
A. its mother from
B. from mother
C. to mother
D. from its mother
Answer: D
4. The committee has met twice and __________.
A. they reached a final decision
B. a final decision was reached
C. its decision was reached
D. it has reached a final decision
Answer: D
5. The manager won't be able to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow because __________.
A. he must to give a lecture
B. he will be giving a lecture
C. of he will give lecture
D. he will have giving a lecture
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